Before you contact CC4G, why not check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below? If your question is not answered here, please contact the CC4G Helpdesk on freephone 0800 328 5161 or by e-mail: . Our offices are open Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:30. Fax: 020 7592 9138.
What is e-skills UK?
Why is CC4G only for girls?
Girls only - what is the legal position?
Will CC4G ever be open to boys?
Is there a subscription rate?
How can organisations other than schools become involved in CC4G?
How can employers become involved in CC4G?
What is e-skills UK?
e-skills UK is the Sector Skills Council for IT and Telecoms. It is a not-for-profit organisation, recognised by government as the collective voice of employers on IT and Telecoms skills issues. The company is directed by a Board comprising Chief Executives from leading global and national organisations. e-skills UK is campaigning to make the UK world class in technology skills
Why is CC4G only for girls?
Research carried out by e-skills UK shows that around 18% of the UK IT workforce are women, with 10% of jobs unfilled. CC4G aims to redress this gender imbalance through retaining girls' interest in IT around the age where it is usually lost.
Girls only - what is the legal position?
The CC4G project specifically addresses the gender imbalance within the IT industry. e-skills UK has been advised by the Equal Opportunities Commission that the project is covered by Section 47(1) of the Sex Discrimination Act, which supports "...Training or encouragement for particular work where in the previous 12 months one sex has been substantially under-represented."
Will CC4G ever be open to boys?
e-skills UK is exploring the possibility of a similar scheme for boys. However, this is not likely to be in place before 2008. The new 14-19 diplomas, which were piloted in 2007 and launched in 2008, include IT as one line of learning. CC4G members may be able to move directly from the Club to the diploma, and it is hoped that the first year of the diploma will include learning materials similar to those used in the Club.
Find out more about the IT Diploma
Is there a subscription rate?
At present, there is no subscription fee for participating state schools in England. All other schools should see the relevant section on the
Interested Schools page for further details.
How can organisations other than schools become involved in CC4G?
To support the successful national rollout of CC4G, we have active CC4G Partners from a variety of departments within Local Authorities (LAs). Other educationally based CC4G partners include City Learning Centres (CLCs) and Playing for Success (PfS) Centres.
These Partners can support CC4G in schools in their areas by promoting CC4G to schools, enrolling girls and facilitating a Club, training the trainers and providing ongoing support. To find out more about becoming a CC4G Partner, please go to the
How can employers become involved in CC4G?
As well as offering schools award-winning e-learning resources, CC4G can also offer participating schools the opportunity to link up with a local employer, who will be able to help them run their CC4G Club and support them generally.
To find out more about becoming involved in CC4G as an employer, please go to the